A major aspect of our Sunday morning is our Sunday School and Adult Classes hour, which is from 9:30am-10:30am. We offer Sunday School and Adult Classes year-round, with the exception of a few Sundays per year, which will be noted on the home page. For child safety, all nursery workers and children’s teachers are vetted and trained. For additional safety, we have security cameras placed throughout the building.

Below are our current Sunday School and Adult Classes offerings for Winter 2025


During the Sunday School hour, we offer a nursery for newborns to children three-years-old and under. However, parents are also welcome to bring their children with them to the class they attend.


Currently, we have two classrooms available for children Kindergarten through Fourth Grade

  • Kindergarten through Second Grade

  • Third through Fourth Grades

These classes follow Great Commission Publication’s Bible curriculum.

Middle School

Our Fifth Grade-Eighth Grade class operates more like a Bible study with much more discussion between the teachers and the students. This Winter, the Middle Schoolers are studying the book of Matthew.

High School

Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories that Shape Our Lives  by Steve Wilkens and Mark L. Sanford. (Reading the book not required ) 

Meeting in the “Cry Room”, or overflowing in the back corner of the Sanctuary. Taught by Drew Lattner and Bernie Moussad.

Adult Classes

This Winter, we’ll be offering a Bible Class, Men’s and Women’s Classes, and a College Class.

Beginning Jan 19:

  • College Class: The Book of Job

    Teachers: Bill Reynolds & Kyle Strom
    This semester, we will be studying the book of Job: a poetic book about a righteous believer suffering. Job is a man who sacrifices for his offspring at the beginning of the book and for his friends at the end. In the middle, he wrestles with profound suffering received through no fault of his own. Join us as we meditate on his experience – a drama that ultimately becomes clear in Jesus.

    Breakfast is served every Sunday morning. While geared for students of VT, RU, and NRCC, we love to have a few older adults attend the class as well. Contact Kyle or Bill if interested.

  • Bible Class: Matthew

    Teacher: Brian Sanders

    In the gospel of Matthew, you’ll discover a convincing argument as to why Jesus is the Messiah, an ethic for living shaped by the gospel, miracles, a full sermon by Jesus, confusing statements about the end of the world, and hope from His death and resurrection. You’re invited on a journey as all of these will discussed, and some Sundays, there could be free gum and candy. 

  • Women’s Class: Colossians

    Teacher: Christi Schroader

    Join us for a 9 week women’s Sunday School class on the letter to the Colossians! Women and girls high school and above are welcome! Begins Jan 19

  • Men’s Class: Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health

    Teacher: Taylor Rollo

     Men, are you spiritually healthy or just spiritually busy? Most of us are spiritually active, but sometimes our hearts and souls are not as fit as we might think. And we may not even be sure how to tell the difference! So, join us this Winter as we discuss Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health by Donald Whitney, and let's help one another become spiritually healthy men. (9 weeks)

On our YouTube Channel, we also have some additional materials, which were prepared as at-home video lessons during COVID lockdowns (each about 20-30 minutes) and may still be helpful to you:

In addition, head over to our Resources page for more on personal devotions and other topics.