Men’s Ministry
Men’s Retreat 2025! We have our presbytery’s semi-annual Men’s Retreat at Rockbridge YoungLife Camp coming up on March 6-8. The cost is $170/person (though do not let cost keep you away, talk to us if you need financial assistance). Register or ask questions by contacting Taylor Rollo ( Registration deadline Feb. 14.
Men’s Prayer Meetings, Fridays 7-8am at the Weyburns, 3540 Cameo Lane, Blacksburg. See Don for more info (
Men’s Monthly Breakfast: Breakfast, fellowship, and prayer from 9-11am in the GCPC Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to or let Bill know if you can help with breakfast preparation. Upcoming dates TBD:
Once a month fellowship at Iron Tree Brewery. Date varies. Contact Taylor Rollo ( for more information. Upcoming dates in 2025:
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025; 7-9pm
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025; 7-9pm
Tuesday, Apr 29, 2025; 7-9pm
Tuesday, May 27, 2025; 7-9pm
If you do not enjoy these adult beverages (or are not old enough), they have a great root beer and lemonade, or you can just come for fellowship! No RSVP necessary. Just show up!
Discipleship. Contact one of the pastors for them to arrange one-on-one mentors.
We encourage everyone to get involved in one of our many Home Fellowship Groups.
You may also sign up for the GCPC email list to stay informed.