
Many churches do a great job at putting forth an organized vision for their church’s plan. Through our leaders, we do try to plan practical steps we can take as a church each year. But we never want that planning to overshadow the simplicity of growing in daily faith.

Our primary vision is to be a group of people who have come to love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and want everything we do to reflect this Gospel.

We want to be a church which not only loves truth as found in the Bible, but which also truly loves God and one another more and more out of gratitude for God’s grace.

That means we want to be a church where the worship is heartfelt and God-centered. Where the preaching comes out of the Bible and always points to Jesus. Where growing in humility and the fruit of the Spirit is more important than visible achievement. A church where people count more than programs, where daily devotion outweighs big events, and where spiritual health is more valued than numbers.

In short, we want to be a church which heartily offers God’s free grace in Christ to all who know they need it. Welcome!