Grace Covenant is a Christ-centered church in Blacksburg, a college town in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia


Join us on Sunday!
2101 Shadowlake Road
Blacksburg, VA, 24060 (Directions)

Morning Worship In person or via livestream

  • 10:45am - 12pm - Morning Worship Service.

  • 9:30-10:30am Sunday School for all ages

Visiting? What to Expect on Sunday at GCPC

We are ♿️ accessible.


Stained Glass Window at GCPC

What We Believe

Proclaiming God’s grace in Jesus Christ to all who know they need it


Our Ministries

Word, Sacrament and Prayer with discipleship, fellowship and care



Here are some of the things going on at GCPC


Sermons & Series

Sermons, worship services & online class series

~ News ~

Please join us on wednesday, March 5th, 6-8pm

for the GCPC 45th anniversary dinner & prayer gathering!

RSVP here for dinner and childcare, infant-4 years old

From 6-7pm, we’ll celebrate God’s goodness to us by sharing a meal together.

From 7-8, we'll spend time praying, asking the Lord to move among us in the coming years (as we head toward 50!)  

Note: HFGs will not meet the week of Mar 3 to make it possible for us to gather as a church-wide family.